Leading Teams for Impact

Your World Changes When You Become A New Manager

Something interesting happens when we become a team leader - there is less emphasis placed on our individual contribution and results are expected to be delivered through others.

Many team leaders and managers are unaware of this role change, and insist on retaining their expert role. This can cause stress in a number of ways: team members feel under-valued; personal initiative is minimised and overall team performance suffers as the team waits for the team manager to take the initiative.

When new managers successfully transit from being a specialist to managing a team, their success as a team leader increases their team’s effectiveness.

How This Program Will Help You

Instead of success from individual contribution, VG’s Leading Teams For Impact program aims to help you gain new fulfillment through inspiring and leading others.

As a participant, you will learn to:

  • Build teams that create impact by set clear priorities and outcome.

  • Learn to structure the roles and responsibilities in your team.

  • Communicate with understanding, and resolve conflicts in your team.

  • Create a positive and supportive team culture to support the growth of your team members.

  • Lead a team which people want to join.

Leading Teams for Impact program help executives develop skills from being a solo expert to transiting and becoming effective team leaders and managers.

Who Should Attend

Highly recommended for team leaders and managers who just started building, leading or coordinating teams. Leaders who are learning to balance the needs of a team against their own expert capability.


In-person: 3 full-day workshops

Remote: 2 hours x 12 live webinar sessions

Approach & Success Measures

Dynamic, interactive and hands on with direct application to the manager’s current team throughout the sessions. Measures and checkpoints are placed with the relevant stakeholders before and after the program to create accountability with the participants for tangible results.

To discover more, please contact us:

Contact Us

What Clients Say About The Program

It is the most awesome, life-changing leadership program that I have ever attended.

~ Sales Manager, Pharmaceutical MNC

If I joined it sooner, my team will be the best team.

~ Area Field-Force Manager, Regional Company

This training has taught me to how to build a high performance team by improving my competencies/skills. It is up to me to effect change for the better.

~ Head of Marketing, MNC

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