Get a Boost!

Who says training can’t be short and sweet, and impactful?

We know how your time can be limited. VG’s BOOST Learning may be short time-wise but they pack a punch!

BOOST Learning are designed to help learners experience precise and impactful learning through targeted topics and content.

Our suite of highly engaging and wide range of topics and content can be catered to all staff or specific groups like middle managers, senior managers or divisions.

Conducted in-person or remote* format, clients have engaged BOOST Learning for:

  1. Lunch & learn time
  2. Team bonding
  3. Leadership learning bursts
  4. Training to compliment n-house initiatives

*As remote format is conducted as webinars online, you can include as many of your employees or colleagues who are located anywhere around the world.

Our Microlearning Webinars

featured image Becoming Decisive Everyday

A real decision can change one’s life. Often we are so caught up with weighing the right decisions and end up not making any decision.

Being decisive is one of the most important skills which distinguish high performers from average staff, especially in uncertain times, in this webinar, we will look at the foundation of decisiveness, how it works and what individuals can do to benefit from it.

featured image Coaching 101

Coaching skills helps managers to develop relationships with their team, promotes an action-based approach to problem-solving, and encourages reflection and growth.

This webinar help managers have a coaching mindset and basic tools for effective coaching conversations.

featured image Communication - How To Think On Your Feet

We are faced with situations where we have to stay cool and confident under pressure. The ability to ’think on your feet’ in unexpected settings is a skills which can be learnt.

This webinar will teach staff how to be confident and prepared to translate their thoughts into meaningful speech quickly; and ensure their ideas are heard.

featured image Giving Feedback 101

“That report was really impactful!”

“I respect how you managed that customer.”

Giving feedback is one of the most powerful influences in developing someone. Depending on how it’s conducted, its impact can unleash someone’s potential or bring that person down.

You will learn the fundamentals of reframing and understanding of what it means to effectively give feedback. This webinar shows when giving feedback is done well, it can be applied, not just from a manager to their staff, but also between colleagues.

featured image How to Conduct a Performance Review Conversation

Performance review comes in different forms and is most often done yearly. Managers need to be equipped with the confidence and skills to apply the principles of an effective performance review meeting with their staff.

In this webinar, we will focus on helping managers improve the quality of their performance review discussions by building their confidence and providing them with the guiding principles of a performance review conversation. We can also work with your current performance review template to better support your managers.

featured image Influencing The Goal Setting Conversation with Your Manager

Managers regularly set performances goals which are critical to staff’s success. So, it’s important that staff take a proactive role in influencing their manager’s expectations, clarifying the goals and ensuring that these goals allow staff to give their best.

This webinar will show you how to respectfully engage with your manager and become an active part of the goal setting process. It will explore how goal setting works and give staff tips on how to influence the conversations with their boss.

featured image Influencing through Negotiation and Persuasion

In a collaborative world, power is more about the ability to get things done outside of traditional reporting lines. The person who can influence and negotiate has the power.

In this webinar, you will learn to apply new styles in situations where you cannot rely on status or formal authority. You will identify and increase your existing influencing styles in more impactful ways.

featured image Persuasion and Influence

This webinar explores several ways to build the confidence of those we work with.

It specifically focuses on how to share positive recognition with colleagues from all levels within the organisation.

featured image Remote Collaboration

Organisations who learn to effectively collaborate remotely gain a competitive advantage. The key to remote collaboration is to change how we structure our team conversations, collaboration and relationships.

This webinar will help staff discover how you can create higher quality collaboration across locations, offices and teams.

featured image The Art of Facilitating Effective Meetings

A well facilitated meeting helps attendees listen, understand and be understood. As a group, attendees are also inspired and feel like they’re making an impact.

In this webinar, you will learn techniques that will give you the confidence to run a meeting that will engage your attendees and leave them with a positive and lasting impression.