High Impact Presentations

A high impact presentation creates action in the shortest time. It is efficient and effective.

All experienced managers are usually comfortable in giving presentations. In a competitive environment, comfort is not enough. Business success requires impact.

Delegates will receive detailed personal feedback on their presentation style are coached according to their individual skills in a collaborative learning environment. The presentations are recorded and every delegate will see their progress.


Group coaching begins with the business goals of the participants and helps them to find more effective ways of reaching those goals.

The workshop:

  • Has a small number of participants to maximise the attention and feedback given to each person.
  • Focus is on the partcipant and assessing and improving their current capability
  • Works with the participant’s presentation material

Who Is This Program For:

High Impact Presentation is an advanced programme for senior executives. It is for people who are already comfortable using a presentation deck, crafting business presentations and engaging an audience.

Key Outcomes:

At the end of the two day workshop, participants will:

  1. Adopt action as the new guideline for a successful presentation
  2. Restructure one of their current presentation into a significantly tighter and impactful presentation.
  3. Gain detailed and personal feedback on all aspects of their presentation style and engagement with the audience.
  4. Learn how to give relevant feedback to others and so start to build a culture of high impact presentations.
  5. Be challenged in their thinking and approach to developing content.

To discover more, please contact us:

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What Clients Say About The Program

Everyone should attend this session with an open mind. The results are obvious and it makes you a more confident and compelling presenter in 2 days!

~ Marketing Director

Very thought provoking! I would recommend my team and peers to attend this workshop!

~ Country Manager

The workshop will give you insight on presentation that you do not know before. The workshop will also change some of your habits and normal actions you always do in a presentation.

~ Country Manager

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